My fave Dark Goddess: Lilith

As of late, I’ve really become drawn to Lilith.. the infamous dark goddess that has been both demonized and celebrated over the years. As of now, I believe she’s been vilified but has both “dark” and “light” qualities about her. She is an alluring, seductive, and powerful figure that is loving but will not take shit from anyone. She is a diety that advocates strongly for women’s rights and encourages women to take back their power. On the flip side, I believe she can (and perhaps has in the past) “eat men up and spit them out” if she chooses to (speaking figuratively of course!). She is both beautiful but deadly and wants to be taken seriously. I am absolutely fascinated by her and wanted to share my love for her 🙂

I plan on constructing an alter for her so once I do, I will post it here on my blog!

Stay tuned!

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